Category Archives: Potty Training FAQs

Potty Training Your Baby

It is very important that you don’t make your baby feel self-conscious or fearful during potty training. It can be very difficult to potty train your baby so you have to be patient above all else. Make sure your baby is ready for potty training. They need to be able to let you know when they need to potty and they need to be able, physically to use the facilities. Use positive encouragement. Forcing them to sit on the potty until they go will only lead to […]

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Potty Training Dealing with Constipation

Some children don’t like having bowel movements, perhaps because they have felt pain before, and now resist going. This resistance can cause constipation as the faeces become hard and compacted, making bowel movements even more painful. Here are some questions you can ask to determine whether your child is constipated or not. have they had a bowel movement in the past few days? have they had less than their normal amount of bowel movements this week? were their stools hard and dry? was it painful for them […]

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5 Must Ask Questions for Anyone Potty Training a Toddler

If you are thinking about starting to potty train your toddler, there are a few questions you should ask yourself before you begin potty training. Being well prepared for this challenging transition from diapers to potty is one of the best things you can do to make this as easy as possible on your child. 1. Is My Child Ready? You want to start potty training at just the right time. You will know that your child is ready when he or she gets more interested in […]

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Is Your Baby Ready for Potty Training?

You’re getting tired of changing those diapers, aren’t you? It’s so great to be able to get your child out of diapers. But, when it comes to potty training, timing is everything. If you start when your child isn’t ready, it will just take longer. However, if you miss the right opportunity, your child may resist the process more when you try later on. So, just how do you know when to begin? First of all – forget what your mom told you about having you potty […]

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