Category Archives: Potty Training Tips

Potty Training Your Baby From Age 3 Weeks

A new mom will quickly learn when baby is telling her that he is tired or hungry. Baby will also tell you when he is about to soil his diaper – or ‘eliminate’ in the jargon. The signs are usually a grunting and moving into a certain position. My son used to get this far away look on his face and he would be very noisy so that everyone around him knew what was on the way! Many moms in America are now practicing ‘elimination communication’ whereby […]

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Eight Tips for Potty Training Your Toddler

Getting your toddler to perform toileting independently is a welcome milestone for any parent. Few of us want to be changing diapers much past the child’s second birthday. However, children vary greatly in their adoption of the potty routine which is influenced by a child’s innate ability, aptitude and maturity. However, there several tips and techniques you can use to hasten the blessed day when your toddler says: “Mommy, I did potty by myself“. 1) Get your child ready – explain to your child that it’s time […]

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8 Simple Tips On Potty Training Your Child

Have you tried potty training your child and it just isn’t going well? Some children fight every potty training attempt you will make, while other children are interested in potty training. You as a parent will be able to tell when your child is ready to start potty training. Two or three years of age is the average age for your child to start the potty training process. Here are some simple methods to help make it easier on both you and your child. 1. Start practicing […]

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